People say that there are a lot of nuances when it comes to the law of attraction. Many people have different views on this. I personally like reading about them. I’ve heard about different universal laws such as, “the law of vibration”, “the law of karma”, “the law of love”, “the law of cause and effect”. I’ve heard that acceptance and allowance is the key. I’ve heard about forgotten laws and more. I believe that all of these things can be very useful. Yet, they can also be detrimental to your success. You will spend all of your time learning about what to do and worrying about if you doing it right. In truth you just need to get grounded. You need to get a plan and to work on that plan until it comes to life. In any successful endeavor the person figured out their passion, they built a platform/foundation, and they promoted it/themselves until they became successful. They put in the time and the effort. The law of attraction is what helped them piece together the details. It brought the ideas, people, situations, and circumstances in and the busy work and piecing it together accomplished the results. This is why it’s so important to focus on what you love instead of simply manifesting money. This helps with the busy work. Many people think that results will happen overnight. This isn’t true for most people. The law of attraction works but you have to get up every day and work on it. Doing what you love makes this much easier. Everyone has certain talents, gifts, and preferences that are compatible with their personality. Everyone is different. Some people are in to certain instruments or music. Some acting, reading, writing, science, teaching, sports, etc. It’s your job to figure out what your unique skill or interest is. You then need to get good at that interest or talent and build a foundation. Then you need to promote that foundation/platform that you just built. The law of attraction will help you with all of this but it will not be an overnight thing for results. It will be a figure out what you love to do sort of thing, get set up, and promote it until it produces results. It’s your job to enjoy the process as best you can until it does.
As the law of attraction can get very confusing and overwhelming I have made a list of suggestions in order to make things less complicated.
Step 1 – Figure out your dream and get good at your passion.
Doing what you love has a major impact on your success and your psychological health. You have more energy and don’t feel drowsy when working on what you love. You feel less anxiety. People respond better to what your promoting.
Step 2 – Build a foundation regarding your passion.
Getting good at your passion and setting up a strong foundation is a key element to your success. When promoting a dream it’s a good idea to have a strong platform (Something such as a website or something for presentation purposes for people to look at. A way to display your product or talent)
Step 3 – Promote your foundation.
You will have to promote your foundation/platform until whatever you’re doing works out.
These are the three steps to making anything successful. Here are a couple of nuances to making things happen smoother and faster.
Nuance 1 – Take time out of the equation.
Don’t let the time it’s taking stress you out! This will most likely not happen overnight. You will have to take the time to figure out your passion, get good at it, get set up, and to promote that passion. This will take time. There will always be a trial and error period for most. Most have to get good at something, fail and get back up, and learn life’s lessons before they learn to become successful. Dreams aren’t easy. They take time and effort. So, don’t hesitate to put in the work and to let it take the time it takes.
This is also why it’s important to figure out your passion. When you’re doing what you love you don’t worry about the time it’s taking as much. The activities are enjoyable.
Nuance 2 – Stay busy! Focus on your passion and put in the busy work.
Saying busy will help you in tremendous ways. Getting things done will not only produce results but will give you a sense of accomplishment as well. The benefits to staying busy are not only physical results but psychological as well. When staying busy you are not generally as anxious, worrisome, or even depressed. This technique will also help with the time aspect. This is another reason to do what you love to do. It makes the busy work more enjoyable.
Nuance 3 – Let the law of attraction work out the details.
The law of attraction will make everything work. It will bring in the ideas, people, situations, and circumstances in order to help you with your dreams. It will help you figure out your passion, get set up, and promote that passion until your dreams are reality. Always believe and let the universe help you with the details. Dreams can be a reality.
Everyone probably has their own rendition of a ”missing secret or two” to the law of attraction. This one is mine. The three step process and the three simple nuances that make it work. I suggest writing the following down somewhere and applying these techniques until your successful.
Step 1 – Figure out your dream and get good at your passion.
Step 2 – Build a foundation regarding your passion.
Step 3 – Promote your foundation until it produces results.
Nuance 1 – Stay busy! Focus on your passion and put in the busy work.
Nuance 2 – Take time out of the equation. Don’t let the time it’s taking stress you out!
Nuance 3 – Let the law of attraction work out the details.
These steps should increase your results dramatically. I hope this has helped.
Great stuff, thanks